video tutorial membuat whatsapp bot
Saat ini ,ada Platform NLP chatbot dari google yaitu yang dapat dicoba. Dengan dialogflow, kita bisa membuat chatbot untuk platform Facebook Messenger, Telegram, LINE, Skype, KIK, Google Home Assistant dan sebagainya. Agar cepat dapat mengerti cara membuat chatbot, sebaiknya langsung belajar dengan cara melihat video tutorial, membaca ebook, download source code. Salah satu nya adalah dengan cara sekaligus mendapatkan bayangan cara pembuatan melaui video tutorial, dilengkapi dengan source code dan ebook PDFnya yang dapat dibeli disini
Apa sih yang dipelajari dari bahan tutorial tersebut ?
Video tutorial menjelaskan bagaimana membuat chatbot untuk industri food and beverages. User memesan minuman dan cemilan. Bot akan mengingat satu persatu setiap item yang dipesan oleh customer. Bot akan membuat keranjang belanjaan tempat menyimpan item minuman dan makanan yang dipesan oleh user. Bot akan memiliki fungsi keranjang , persis seperti yang ada pada website. Bot juga mampu menambah, menghapus ataupun menambah barang belanjaan. Bot dapat diandalkan untuk membantu melayani pesanan pembeli.
Pada tutorial juga akan diajarkan bagimana Bot dapat membantu mengumpulkan data nama,email,phone number dan alamat pengiriman pembeli. Bot dapat mengirimkan invoice ketika pembeli telah selesai berbelanja / check out.
Pembuatan Video dan ebook PDF dibantu oleh banyak orang rekan/teman, sehingga memerlukan biaya.
yuk, silahkan di-order disini
Apabila terlalu berat untuk mengeluarkan biaya, bisa juga mendapatkan gratisan dari berbagai sumber.
Berikut adalah Bot yang akan anda pelajari cara pembuatannya.
English Version:
Earlier in February 2019 yesterday, we came up an idea tmake a video explaining how I made whatsapp bots for coffee shops. The question that often arises is:
Can you make bots using whatsapp? Can I get banned? must get a license first to get whatsapp business?
I try to answer one by one first . When people first hear the word `Bot`, It is generally assume that the `bot` in question is an application that sends to thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people or millions of people simultaneously. Bots like this are bots that are prone to banned, because sending to many telephone numbers in almost the same time will be detected as SPAM and usually will be exposed to autoBanned.
The bot I made is a bot that is waiting for a request from a user, the bot is not actively attacking / sending messages to a number of people, but bots will only answer / respond when a user asks, so the potential for being banned will be very small.
Do you need a license from WhatsApp to create a bot?
There are parties who are trusted by WhatsApp like so that users get Whatsapp Business API. With Whatsapp Business API, we can create a bot using the API provided. In Twillio we will be given a special number that can be used as WhatsApp Bot. What would you do if you are not approved to get whatsapp Business API ? There is still a way, there is a mobile application called the Autoresponder for WA that can be used as a link to the Whatsapp platform. There is a premium package where we can connect whatsapp with the chatbot agent / project that we created at DialogFlow.Com.
What kind of bot can be made for the WhatsApp platform?
I can show you what kind of bot that we can made, please visit here. this is a collection of chatbots that I have made as a prototype.
Is it hard not to make a chatbot for whatsapp?
Currently, there is an NLP chatbot platform from Google, which is that can be tried. With dialogflow, we can create chatbots for Facebook Messenger, Telegram, LINE, Skype, KIK, Google Home Assistant platforms and so on.
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